@Rhodes3 and @MrAnimator. Not 100% sure if this applies to ships as well but I know it applies to the shaper structures. The size of it doesn't make it laggier. Each piece nomatter the size has the same amount of resource demand. This is why shaper structure blueprints will be block based and not size based. If this DOES apply to ships then massive ships will be a lot easier to add. Entities ALREADY move with ships. Heck rodol demonstrates flying a punk tank and standing on the hatch door while firing his plasma cannons because it is a feature. If this doesn't convince you then let me just say rodol CURRENTLY plans to have some PRETTY big ships. Not really going to say much more since I don't want to spill everything we talk about and will just let rodol handle that when he decides to. Remember it MIGHT not be possible to make something but rodol is EXTREMELY devoted to making things of insane coolness happen and keeps working on things and trying to find work-arounds until they are possible.